7 Truths About Predictions of Childbirth Date

After all, everything points to a certain day. But it is probable that the forecast … is not even that! Keep calm and know what you can count on.

80% of women give birth between the 37th and 40th weeks of gestation, but after a wait of months for the most awaited moment ever, the temporal window of doubt can be quite uncomfortable!

Is it born this week? In the next? Here are some facts (what you really need to know) about the height of your baby’s birth!

1. There are no infallible calculations

Pregnancy time is calculated by obstetricians taking into account a menstrual cycle of 28 days (internationally standard number). However, women differ from one another, which is why the target date for the end of gestation time will always be an estimate (not something mathematically accurate). Neither through the ultrasound can you know with certainty the day that will forever change our lives.

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2. The planned dates are misleading

Only 5% of women give birth on a scheduled day. That being the case, chances are you will not be a minority!

3. The baby may be born prematurely

About 11% of the mothers have their children ahead of schedule (ie before they reach 37 weeks of gestation).

4. Or later … which carries risks

After 42 weeks of gestation, the risk of the placenta deteriorating and the loss of amniotic fluid increases considerably. In this way, the risks of infection for the baby also grow. Do not forget to talk to your obstetrician about the length of time you can wait before opting for an induced birth.

5. Genetics has a say

In your first pregnancy, you are likely to give birth sooner than expected, if it has happened to your mother.

6. Caucasian moms tend to expect more

Caucasian pregnant women are more likely to have longer pregnancies, as are women over the age of 30. When a boy is on the way, the pregnancy is also likely to last longer.

7. “When are you born?” Will become an annoying question.

From so many times he will hear it, this question will turn into a nightmare: besides not being able to answer the right, it increases the anxiety of the future mom. Ignore the interrogations and enjoy to simply enjoy your tummy! J[/read]